Computer Systems Technician (Diploma) | Canadian College

Computer Systems Technician (Diploma)

This is a St. Lawrence College curriculum delivered by Canadian College. In accordance with our Ministry approved transition plan, we are no longer accepting applications for this program. All current students, including Jan 2023 enrolments, will receive two diplomas, one from St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Ontario, and another from Canadian College.

Program Overview

In the CST program, students will acquire the expertise and practical skills to support the use of computers and networks within a business environment. Graduates are able to work both independently and as part a team to implement and maintain IT solutions to meet the day-to-day requirements of individuals and organizations. Over the course of the program, our students gain the specialized skills required for client/server computing, cloud computing, O/S virtualization, enterprise networks, administration and Internet management and more.


Secondary School Diploma including Math 11 and English 12, or equivalent. Student must meet one of the language requirements

  • Canadian College of English Language Level 140, Pass with 60%.
  • St. Lawrence College ESL Advanced, Pass with 60%
  • IELTS 6.0 (minimum of 5.5 in each section)
  • TOEFL CBT 213 , TOEFL IBT 78

*This program has been approved by the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.

*This program does not lead to an occupation that is regulated.

Fall (Sept-Dec)

Full-time Study

Student may work 20hrs per week

Winter (Jan-Apr)

Full-time Study

Student may work 20hrs per week

Summer (May-Aug)


Students are able to work full-time  

Fall (Sept-Dec)

Full-time Study

Student may work 20hrs per week

Winter (Jan-Apr)

Full-time Study

Student may work 20hrs per week

Summer (May-Aug)


Students are able to work full-time  

Note: Limited seats available. Contact us or apply online.



Students registered in all programs at Canadian College are permitted to work part time 20hrs per week during study semesters. During the Summer vacation students are permitted to work full time.


Prospects for both employment and advancement in the Information Technology industry are excellent. Over the past few years, the demand for IT professionals in Canada has doubled as baby boomers opt for retirement. CST graduates are employed in:

  • 硬件/軟件支持
  • 網絡管理員
  • 服務支持
  • 網路資源管理
  • 網絡支持和安裝
  • 網絡設計


CARE 10 Career Strategies for Computing Professionals

This course prepares students for a career in the information technology field. Students gain an understanding of various technical roles and their impact on the enterprise. Using an understanding of these roles, students learn to develop career plans. Job search, resume, and interview skills are taught with an emphasis on technology-related conventions. Students also develop the ability to operate as continuous learners, guiding their own development.

COMM 110 Communications For College

This course is designed to help students develop and practice the communication skills needed to succeed in college and workforce environments. Emphasis is placed on improving foundational communication strategies--reading, writing, listening, and speaking--and on developing research and critical thinking skills.

COMP 105 Ethics and Computer Security Best Practice

Students develop the skills and knowledge to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information systems and applications. Students learn appropriate security mitigation techniques and participate in risk mitigation activities. Students discuss the security and ethical challenges and best practices that impact IT decision making and programming.

COMP 1111 Introduction to Databases 數據庫簡介

課程首先概述Microsoft Excel,然後重點介紹Microsoft Access。向學生介紹了數據庫設計以及一對多的關係。學生將建立多個表格,查詢,多個表格和自定義報告。學生將理解並能夠使用計算和匯總功能。

COMP 163 Practical Experience 實踐經驗

在本課程中,學生將整個程序中的實踐技能應用到與計算機網絡和技術支持(CNTS)領域相關的模擬工作環境。 CNTS的所有學生都在從事模擬服務台,硬件支持,網絡安裝,網絡管理等員工所遇到的常見任務的項目。這些學生仍在教職員工的指導下,必須定期參加會議以進行審核。該課程在CNTS計劃的第四學期提供。這是一門核心課程,可讓學生將整個程序中的各種技能應用到模擬工作環境中遇到的情況。

COMP 203 Introduction to Networking 網路概論


COMP 207 Advanced Linux/Web Server Administration 進階Linux / Web服務器管理

本核心課程旨在從Windows Server和Linux Server角度向學生教導Web服務器管理的概念。進階Linux 和 Web服務器管理課程將向學生介紹 Windows和 Linux在Web服務器的安裝,配置和維護方面的基本知識,包括DHCP,DNS和Web Server守護程序的配置,Linux Apache和 Windows IIS將用作 Web服務器軟件。

COMP 2111 Advanced Databases

This course is designed to teach the student more advanced concepts and techniques of working with modern database technologies. Students discuss concepts around table design, relationships, queries and migrations in both relational and non-relational database technologies. This course focuses on administering, running, maintaining and migrating databases on premise or in a cloud environment.

COMP 213 Network Administration 網路管理

學生將獲得網絡管理,Windows和網絡設計的知識,並向學生介紹網絡管理 Windows 2008 Server。

COMP 223 Computer Networking Design and Implementation 電腦網絡設計與實現

電腦網絡的設計和實現基於在網絡,數據通信和Windows操作系統簡介中獲得的知識。在課程中,學生將使用OSI模型,TCP / IP模型和物理傳輸選項的知識來設計簡單和更複雜的網絡。各種傳動設備,輪轂。將研究橋,路由器,交換機和網關,並將其用於設計LAN / WAN網絡連接。並將研究TCP / IP協議的工作方式。 IP地址和子網劃分將被學習並用於設計子網。學生將學習使用電腦繪圖工具進行設計。研究語音,數據和多媒體集成的網絡要求。探討網絡安全以及WAN概念和配置的領域。

COMP 30PC Hardware & Software 電腦硬件和軟件


COMP 3014 Data Communications 數據溝通


COMP 66 Scripting Procedures 腳本編寫過程


COMP 67 Application, Installation and Support 應用,安裝和支持


COMP 68 Linux Administration and O/S Virtualization Linux 管理和O/S虛擬化

本核心課程旨在向學生教授Linux操作系統的更多高級概念。 Linux操作管理和O / S虛擬化課程將繼續在安裝,配置和維護方面對Linux進行討論。該課程將集中於Linux Server環境的管理,運行和維護,包括DHCP,DNS和Web Server守護程序的配置。該課程將使Linux服務器作為來賓虛擬操作系統運行。

COMP 77 Cloud Computing 1

In this course students will be introduced to the fundamentals of cloud computing. Students will explore services provided by cloud platforms. Students explore the difference between different cloud models as well as “-as-a-service” model approaches to cloud computing. The deployment and management of cloud resources including the deployment of Virtual Machines, storage implementation and the configuration of virtual networks will be explored.

COMP 79 Emerging Technologies

Technology changes at a rapid pace with new innovations coming to market regularly. Students discover new and emerging technologies. Students work in teams on self-guided projects working towards integrating new technologies into existing IT infrastructure. Students articulate the key effects of new technologies on existing IT and computing systems.

COMP 82 Client Operating System 客戶端操作系統

課程是針對兩年制電腦網絡計劃的學生,Windows操作系統環境的基本用戶知識的擴展。課程將探討Windows 7的體系結構。學生將學習安裝和配置OS。引導過程以及各種系統實用程序。課程將聚焦於系統管理,管理,文件系統,共享和文件證券。並向學生介紹了不同的網絡協議和遠程訪問服務(RAS)的客戶端站點。學生學習各種Windows 7組件,打印以及性能調整和監視。在實驗室中將獲得所有涵蓋主題的實踐經驗。

COMP 83 Introduction to Linux and Cloud Computing Linux和雲端計算概論

此核心課程位於課程的第二學期。本課程旨在教導學生Linux 操作系統的基本概念。 Linux 課程將向學生介紹Linux的基本知識,包括基本的Linux操作,命令行,配置和維護。本課程將集中於Linux的操作,運行和維護。

COMP 905 Pogramming I

This course offers an introduction to programming logic using the syntax of a strongly-typed programming language. Students explore and apply programming concepts, such as variables, data types, assignment/arithmetic operators, input/output, looping, decision making, and arrays. An additional emphasis is placed on employing appropriate style and logical thinking.

COMP 930 Programming 2

This course teaches students how to apply programming concepts to build simple yet effective tools to automate standard administration tasks. Students apply problem solving techniques to identify, analyze and plan the best approach to construct a software solution. This course focuses on programming automated solutions that interact with a Linux or Windows environment, work with database technologies and handle input/output.

MATH 8 Introductory Computer Mathematics 電腦數學入門


Additional 3 courses from GENE Electives


Contact Sam to help you plan your studies.
