Business (Diploma) | Canadian College

Business (Diploma)

Program St Lawrence College ini bermitra dengan Canadian College. Siswa akan menerima dua ijazah, satu dari St. Lawrence College dan satu lagi dari Canadian College.

Program Overview

Program ini bersifat umum dan dirancang untuk memberikan berbagai pilihan peluang karir di dunia bisnis. Siswa dalam program ini akan mendapatkan pemahaman praktis tentang prinsip dan praktik utama yang diperlukan untuk kesuksesan di bidang bisnis, dan memperoleh berbagai keterampilan dasar di bidang keuangan, akuntansi, sumber daya manusia, manajemen operasi, pemasaran, dan penjualan.

Persyaratan Pendaftaran

Diploma Sekolah Menengah Pertama termasuk Matematika 11 dan Bahasa Inggris 12, atau yang setara. Siswa harus memenuhi salah satu persyaratan bahasa:

  • Canadian College of English Language Level 140, Pass with 60%.
  • St. Lawrence College ESL Advanced Level Certificate, Lulus dengan 60%.
  • IELTS 6.0 secara keseluruhan dengan skor minimal 5,5 di setiap bagian.
  • TOEFL 213 (computer-based test), TOEFL 78 (internet-based test).

Program ini telah disetujui oleh Panitera, sesuai dengan Departemen Pendidikan Lanjutan.

*This program does not lead to an occupation that is regulated.

Fall (Sept-Dec)


16 minggu

Winter (Jan-Apr)


16 minggu

Summer (May-Aug)


8 minggu - Optional accelerated courses tersedia bulan Mei - Juni

Fall (Sept-Dec)


16 minggu

Winter (Jan-Apr)


16 minggu

Summer (May-Aug)


8 minggu - Optional accelerated courses tersedia bulan Mei - Juni

Note: Siswa dapat memulai pada awal semester musim gugur atau musim dingin.

Belajar dan Bekerja

Kesempatan bekerja

Siswa yang terdaftar di semua program di Canadian College diizinkan untuk bekerja paruh waktu 20 jam per minggu selama semester belajar. Selama liburan musim panas siswa diijinkan untuk bekerja penuh waktu.

Kesempatan Berkarir

Lulusan program Bisnis dipekerjakan dalam berbagai pengaturan ketenagakerjaan di semua sektor bisnis dan industri, baik domestik maupun internasional, termasuk produsen, pengecer, lembaga keuangan, kantor pemerintah, perusahaan konsultan, dan bisnis besar dan kecil lainnya.


ACCT 20 Accounting Fundamentals

In Accounting Fundamentals students create, use, and discuss foundational financial information. Students discuss the fundamental elements of accounting and their impact on business operations. By using accounting software to perform accounting operations students learn the elements of accounting software and routine accounting statements.

ACCT 27 Introductory Managerial Accounting

In Introduction to Managerial Accounting non-accounting majors learn about the uses and limitations of financial and managerial accounting in the decision-making processes of an organization. Students learn the principles and practice of management accounting as a professional discipline. Management accounting is both a process and a function of supplying managers and employees in an organization with relevant information, both financial and nonfinancial, for making decisions, allocating scarce resources, monitoring, and evaluating performance. Students learn the differences between financial and managerial accounting. Emphasis will be placed on how financial information is used in forecasting, budgeting, management and the measurement of business operations. The course includes an introduction to routine reporting to management for planning and controlling current operations, special reporting to management for long range planning and the framework for preparing both capital and operating budgets. Students study a variety of analytical techniques that can be applied to financial and operational data to support management decisions.

ADMN 1000 Introduction to Canadian Business

Kursus ini memberikan gambaran umum tentang bagaimana bisnis berfungsi secara umum, dan secara khusus mengulas bisnis dalam konteks negara Kanada. Kursus ini juga akan meneliti hubungan antara organisasi dan pemiliknya, karyawan, pelanggan, pemasok, pemerintah dan masyarakat. Kursus ini juga akan memberikan gambaran umum tentang berbagai area fungsional dalam organisasi yang khas. Kursus ini juga akan mengeksplorasi lingkungan bisnis Kanada saat ini.

ADMN 1002 The Human Side of Business: Thriving in the New World of Work

Graduates are entering the world of work just as it is being radically transformed. While technical skills remain crucial, organizations are now looking to hire a workforce with the human skills to thrive in the modern workplace. In this course, students will cultivate and apply knowledge for the contemporary workplace. Driven by case studies and real-world context, students will develop an understanding of the impacts of equity, diversity, and inclusion, social responsibility, ethics and sustainability, and client service. Students will work in teams throughout this course, ultimately applying the course learning in a culminating capstone project where they will propose recommendations to an organization.

ADMN 1100 Supply Chain Management

Kursus ini memberi siswa kesempatan untuk menjelajahi bidang Manajemen Supply Chain dan Logistik. Kursus ini akan memberikan siswa teori mengenai topik-topik termasuk: Just-in-Time Delivery, Lean Supply Chain Management dan Supply Chain Risk Management. Kursus ini juga akan mengeksplorasi strategi manajemen populer yang berfokus pada penggunaan, analisis dan perubahan inventori, outsourcing / offshoring, hubungan pemasok dan kerentanan yang dapat diterima di lapangan.

ADMN 1200 Business Intelligence and Emerging Technologies

In this course, students will be introduced to business intelligence tools and emerging technologies. At a high-level, students learn about Power BI and related business intelligence software. With the foundation of Power BI, students explore various emerging technologies in problem-based environment. Students learn foundational language and tools of analytics, business intelligence, and emerging technologies. The course focuses exclusively on problem based, real world applications allowing students to develop a functional literacy in emerging technology terminology and an entry level proficient with Power BI.

ADMN 2005 Business Consulting Project

Working with a community partner or in a simulated experience, this course provides students with the opportunity to integrate their learning throughout the program and propose solutions to a specified complex business challenge. Working in project teams as consultants, students develop and prepare business solutions to authentic problems. Upon conclusion of the project work, students reflect on their experience to identify how the skills developed and experience help prepare them for their next professional opportunity.

ADMN 2010 The Global Business Landscape

In this course, students examine foundational international business theory and seminal scholarly works to extend their knowledge of how contemporary global issues impact the operations of a business. Students will demonstrate the impact and influence that core global business concepts such as fiscal and monetary policy, risk management, and trade agreements can have on an organization, an industry, or a country. Finally, students will investigate contemporary global issues from a variety of perspectives, including small to medium size businesses, provincial, and national economies.

BLAW 40 Administrative Law

In Administrative Law students review the legal environment for businesses and identify its impact on operations. Students analyze legislation, statues, regulations, and company policies to identify compliance requirements, mitigate risk, and determine strategy. Exploring contracts, the law associated with business relationships, and various special legal rights and relationships students learn to consider the complex regulatory context in which businesses operate.

COMM 110 Communications For College

This course is designed to help students develop and practice the communication skills needed to succeed in college and workforce environments. Emphasis is placed on improving foundational communication strategies--reading, writing, listening, and speaking--and on developing research and critical thinking skills.

COMM 39 Communications for Business and Technology

Dalam Komunikasi Bisnis & Teknologi, penekanannya adalah pada pengembangan komunikasi bisnis profesional. Laporan singkat, ringkasan, laporan formal, resume, dan surat pengantar digunakan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan menulis teknis dan persuasif. Memperkuat format dan dokumentasi American Psychological Association (APA). Komunikasi lisan dikembangkan melalui berbagai kegiatan berbicara formal dan informal.

COMP 92 Business Computer Applications

This course is designed to familiarize the student with basic computer operations and applications through instructor-led exercises, activities, and case studies. It explores various concepts of effective computer usage with a hands-on introduction to the Windows operating system, file management, and working effectively and collaboratively in an online environment. It also provides in-depth exploration and application of various features of the current version of Microsoft Office software including Word, PowerPoint, and Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Excel is covered briefly in this course in relation to integration with the other Microsoft Office Suite products.

COMP 96 Business Application Modeling

This course expands on the student’s introductory level knowledge of spreadsheets and databases. Using Microsoft Excel, students learn advanced Excel features such as charts, logical functions, pivot tables, goal seek, data tables, macros, multiple worksheets, lists, look-up tables, and financial functions. The focus is on using advanced spreadsheet functions accurately and effectively to analyze problems that arise in business.

ECON 3 Introduction to Economics

The economic environment is the theater in which contemporary managers plan, organize, lead, and control. This course introduces the language and navigational skills that condition students for success in this environment. Students learn microeconomic principals including supply and demand, the themes of scarcity, productivity, efficiency and effectiveness, the concept of opportunity cost, and the relationship between these fundamentals and the Canadian economy. Employing a practical approach to the Canadian macroeconomic environment, the course examines choices by individuals, businesses and governments and their effects on Gross Domestic Product, unemployment, the money supply, and exchange rates. The course addresses factors influencing both the supply side and the demand side of the economy including productivity, consumption, savings, and investment.

GENE 189 Professional and Personal Development

In this course, students benchmark their norms and behaviours for professional and personal development. Students develop self-awareness utilizing formalized assessments to give language to the application of emotional intelligence and personal behaviours that could otherwise mistakenly be described as strengths or weaknesses. Students describe the impact of the their behaviours and further strategies to develop skills and compensate for barriers. Students practice using related terminology to better express their development progress. Students learn about high-functioning teams and practice those skills through teamwork activities. Students develop strategies for setting and implement goals.

HUMA 74 Principles of Human Resources Management

Principles of Human Resources Management is intended to provide students with an understanding of human resources management functions within organizations. The course introduces the purpose and the application of Human Resources activities which will assist organizations in achieving their goals and objectives. As such, this course is designed to lay the groundwork for more advanced studies in Human Resources and related subjects.

HUMA 76 Culture, Leadership, and Management

In this course, students explore theoretical frameworks related to leadership, culture, and management in order support the successful development or organizations. Through self-reflection, students evolve their own leadership practice and identify opportunities for continued growth. Students practice leading coaching conversations and develop strategies for effective mentorship and mentee relationships. Students analyze situations in order to contribute successfully to change initiatives and support the development of an organizational culture that values diversity and equity

MARK 102 Entrepreneurship

Kursus ini mengenalkan siswa pada atribut, keterampilan, pedoman, dan pengetahuan yang dibutuhkan untuk menjadi pengusaha sukses, atau berprestasi dalam jenis organisasi wirausaha. Yang ditekankan kepada pengembangan kompetensi yang dibutuhkan untuk dapat mengevaluasi peluang bisnis secara kritis, menciptakan strategi yang tepat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan yang teridentifikasi, mengembangkan rencana bisnis yang komprehensif termasuk anggaran operasional, sumber dan mengevaluasi alternatif pembiayaan yang ada, membangun perusahaan, dan mengelola pertumbuhan dan perkembangannya.

MARK 2 Professional Selling

Kursus pendahuluan ini dirancang untuk membantu siswa mengembangkan kemampuan komunikasi persuasif, membangun rasa percaya diri dalam membuat presentasi dan memberi siswa landasan yang kuat dalam bidang penjualan profesional. Bahkan jika siswa telah memutuskan untuk tidak melakukan karier di bidang penjualan, tetapi harus diakui bahwa prinsip-prinsip penjualan profesional sangat penting bagi sebagian besar peluang karir atau kewirausahaan.

MARK 20 Marketing Essentials

Marketing Essentials introduces students to the basic principles and practices of marketing management in the modern business setting. This course examines the consumer market for goods and services and the major decision areas of marketing: identifying and selecting target markets, product, price, distribution, integrated marketing communications and customer relationship management. Key concepts including value creation, marketing mix, marketing strategy, and marketing best practices are introduced and explored. Data and the application of metrics and analytics in decision making are discussed and applied.

MATH 80 Introductory Business Mathematics

Introductory Business Math prepares students for success in business and financial mathematics. This course emphasizes the development of business-related numeracy and the fundamentals of the time value of money. Topics covered include basic numeracy, percent applications, payroll, tax, and time value of money.

MATH 90 Mathematics of Finance

This course provides an overview of the mathematics of business financial management. Annuities are studied and applied to various business applications and financial decision-making such as bonds, sinking funds, investments, loans, mortgages and net present value.

PROJ 1 Introduction to Project Management

Dengan meningkatnya laju perubahan bisnis saat ini, semakin meningkatnya kebutuhan akan proyek - dan dengan banyaknya proyek, dibutuhkan lebih banyak orang untuk memahami bagaimana proyek bekerja. Kursus ini untuk semua orang yang ingin memahami dasar-dasar manajemen proyek sesuai dengan model logika (sebuah rencana). Dengan mengembangkan proyek mereka sendiri, siswa akan memeriksa setiap langkah proses termasuk penetapan tujuan, cakupan proyek, anggaran dasar, manajemen risiko dan evaluasi. Siswa juga akan mengalami tantangan komunikasi langsung yang bisa membuat atau menggagalkan sebuah proyek.

HUMA 1079 Organizational Behaviour

Siswa akan menjelajah perilaku individu dan kelompok dalam organisasi dan pengaruh kekuatan interpersonal dan organisasional terhadap perilaku tersebut. Siswa akan memperoleh konsep dan aplikasi praktis mengenai perilaku individu; Hubungan interpersonal dan proses kelompok, dan faktor organisasi yang berdampak pada perilaku individu dan kelompok.

MARK 14 Integrated Marketing Communications 1

Students learn the ways in which marketing communications are utilized by marketers to inform, educate and enable customers. Specifically, students explore the strategies and work through the implementation challenges of direct marketing, public relations, sponsorship/event marketing, and social media marketing across a range of products, concepts, good and services. Students develop an integrated marketing communication strategy for a consumer product or service.

Additional 3 courses from GENE Electives

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