Supply Chain Management (Post-Grad Certificate) | Canadian College

Supply Chain Management (Post-Grad Certificate)

Program St. Lawrence College ini diselenggarakan dalam kemitraan oleh Canadian College. Siswa menerima dua sertifikat, satu dari St. Lawrence College dan satu lagi dari Canadian College.

Program Overview

Rantai pasokan adalah salah satu sektor paling penting dari ekonomi Kanada, yang melibatkan sekitar 767.000 pekerja dari berbagai jenis pekerjaan dan industri. Program pascasarjana ini dibangun di atas pendidikan dan pengalaman kerja siswa sebelumnya dan memperkenalkan semua aspek manajemen rantai pasok dan logistik dari perspektif teoretis dan praktis.

Persyaratan Pendaftaran

A two-year college diploma or university degree, in any field of study is required. Student must meet one of the language requirements:

  • Canadian College of English Language Level 145, Pass with 60%.
  • St. Lawrence College ESL Advanced, Pass with 70%
  • IELTS 6.5 (minimum of 6.0 in each section)

Program ini telah disetujui oleh Panitera, sesuai dengan Departemen Pendidikan Lanjutan.

*This program does not lead to an occupation that is regulated.

Fall Semester (Sep - Dec)


16 minggu

Winter Semester (Jan - Apr)


16 minggu

Summer Semester (May - Aug)


8 minggu - Optional accelerated courses tersedia bulan Mei - Juni

Note: Siswa dapat mulai pada awal semester musim gugur atau musim dingin. Kelas musim panas mungkin tersedia secara terbatas.

Belajar dan Bekerja

Kesempatan bekerja

Siswa yang terdaftar di semua program di Canadian College diizinkan untuk bekerja paruh waktu 20 jam per minggu selama semester belajar. Selama musim panas, siswa liburan diizinkan bekerja penuh waktu.

Kesempatan Berkarir

Lulusan akan menemukan pekerjaan yang menantang sebagai manajer bahan, pembeli eceran dan grosir, manajer pembelian, analis sourcing strategis, dan pengawas dalam penanganan material di antara peluang lainnya. Kunjungi Dewan Sektor Rantai Pasokan Kanada untuk perincian lebih lanjut.


CARE 5003 Career Preparation

This course is designed to assist students in developing their professional impression thereby aiding them in the acquisition of future employment. Students will be able to bridge knowledge acquired throughout the program and use that knowledge when meeting with potential employers to best showcase their abilities. Students will learn how to develop professional written documentation as well as develop their oral communication skills.

CARE 5004 Career Readiness

In this project based course, students will develop a clear pathway to their future careers. Students will self-assess their knowledge, skills and competencies in order to build a professional career portfolio. Students will develop a plan for their continuous professional development in order to grow their portfolio as they progress through their chosen fields.

COMP 5001 Data Analysis for Supply Chain Management

Kursus ini dirancang untuk mengajarkan topik lanjutan dari Microsoft Excel 2013 untuk menangani banyak persyaratan informasi harian organisasi. Excel juga merupakan alat pengambilan keputusan yang kuat untuk manajer yang sering membantu mereka memecahkan masalah bisnis yang rumit. Menggunakan Excel dalam lingkungan Windows 7, siswa akan menggunakan berbagai fungsi aritmatika, statistik, logis, keuangan, optimisasi (pemecah), dan pemodelan. Penekanan diberikan kepada contoh dunia nyata termasuk alokasi kapasitas fasilitas bisnis, perkiraan permintaan, perencanaan agregat dan simulasi pemesanan.

INBU 9 Introduction to International Business

This introductory course is designed to expose students to some of the nuances of conducting business in the international market. Students explore globalization and the required steps to assist with establishing or expanding their business operations internationally. This course illustrates the skills required of managers to lead, motivate, communicate, and negotiate with individuals in different countries who have different attitudes with respect to work, achievement, change, time and success.

MGMT 5003 Inventory and Warehouse Management

Efficiencies are derived from optimal warehouse design and layout including the reduction of inefficient moves, reduced damages and improved employee working conditions. This course looks at the complexity of matching the optimal inventory and materials management to ensure that the proper balance between production and capacity are reached. Students examine the inter-relationship with planning, procuring, storing and providing the appropriate material of right quality and quantity at the right place and time. The cost of storing, security, handling freight along with the risk of damage, pilferage and obsolescence all impact the balance of inventory and material management.

MGMT 5004 Transportation Systems

Kursus ini memperkenalkan siswa pada moda transportasi yang berbeda yang dapat digunakan secara individu atau dalam berbagai kombinasi untuk memastikan pengiriman diangkut dengan cara yang paling efisien dan efektif dari pengirim ke penerima. Siswa belajar kekuatan dan keterbatasan masing-masing moda transportasi untuk menggunakan informasi tersebut untuk membuat rekomendasi dan keputusan yang meningkatkan pemanfaatan dan efisiensi operasional.

MGMT 5005 Supply Chain Risk Management

Kursus ini memperkenalkan siswa untuk kebutuhan perencanaan kontinuitas bisnis. Praktik Manajemen Rantai Pasokan telah berevolusi ke arah pendekatan proses yang lebih ramping untuk mengurangi pemborosan dalam keseluruhan rantai pasokan. Konsep seperti just-in-time, persediaan virtual, rasionalisasi pemasok, dan pengurangan jumlah fasilitas distribusi telah mengurangi total biaya rantai pasokan, tetapi hasilnya telah meningkatkan risiko. Dalam kursus ini, siswa diperkenalkan dengan alat dan teknik manajemen risiko yang digunakan untuk membatasi risiko yang mempengaruhi kualitas dan kinerja keuangan organisasi.

MGMT 5009 Strategic Sourcing

Praktik Manajemen Rantai Pasokan telah berevolusi ke arah pendekatan proses yang lebih ramping untuk mengurangi pemborosan dalam keseluruhan rantai. Konsep seperti just-in-time, persediaan virtual, rasionalisasi pemasok, dan pengurangan jumlah fasilitas distribusi telah mengurangi total biaya rantai pasokan, tetapi hasilnya telah meningkatkan risiko. Dalam kursus ini siswa akan diperkenalkan untuk aplikasi sumber strategis dan teknik yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan arus rantai suplai dan kinerja keuangan. Pelajari cara "mendapatkan hasil maksimal untuk uang Anda" sambil mempertahankan mitra pemasok yang kuat dan cakap.

MGMT 5010 International Logistics, Customs, and Regulations

Siswa harus memahami realitas lingkungan bisnis global dan berbagai kompleksitas yang terlibat dalam perdagangan internasional. Melalui ceramah, diskusi, proyek, presentasi dan konten yang disampaikan dari perspektif Kanada, kursus ini membantu siswa untuk mengenali masalah dan untuk mempersiapkan realitas bisnis internasional yang baru.

MGMT 5016 Data and Financial Management in Supply Chains

Data is valuable for making solid decisions when properly collected and analyzed. This course prepares students to gather, describe, and analyze data, to assist them with decision-making in respect to operations, risk management and financial matters. Students will also learn forecasting techniques to see long-term implications of their interpretations of the information.

MGMT 5017 Sustainability

Sustainability is a multi-facet concept impacting everything from the environment, business continuity and the maintenance of best practices. This course explores the concepts from sourcing raw goods from ethical suppliers to moving them throughout the supply chain in manner that reduces our carbon footprint and ensuring business practices continue to have a positive impact on the operational and financial and reputation of the business. Students will explore the relationship between business and society while challenging the balance between ethics and capitalism that managers in the supply chain need to deal with daily.

MGMT 5018 Culminating Project in Supply Chain Management

In this course, students work in teams on a simulated, or case-based project in supply chain management. This course will combine aspects of all the courses in the program together. Students work through the various challenges associated with managing a supply chain project. Students are responsible for all aspects of the project and formally report project status to faculty on a regular basis. All projects will be presented in a formal document and in a formal presentation at the end of the semester.

MGMT 5019 Leadership in the Supply Chain Sector

In today’s demanding and ever-changing business environment, leadership has become even more significant in the evolving world of Supply Chain Management. Supply Chain Managers oversee the overall supply chain and logistics strategy of the organization in order to increase productivity, maximize resource and technology utilization while maintaining good working relationships. This course provides a detailed overview of the role of a supply chain leader and focuses on the key skills required to be successful in that role.

PROJ 5001 Principles of Project Management

This course provides students with basic knowledge of the tools and techniques required to manage projects. The course follows the methodology of managing projects as recommended by the Project Management Institute (PMI). The topics cover all of the project management knowledge areas, in addition to the tools and techniques that are used for managing projects successfully.

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